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Recherche de:
Your search for “Kreissäge” had 8 results:
Allemand Anglais Français Italien


straight line edger

déligneuse f

refilatrice f


saw gang -

scie f à deux lames

sega f circolare a doppia lama


beam saw

déligneuse f

sega f circolare per tagli a formato


portable powered circular sawing machine

scie f circulaire portable

sega f circolare portatile


circular o. buzz saw

scie f circulaire

sega f circolare


pendulum (cross-cut(ting)) saw, swing (cross-cut(ting) saw

scie f circulaire pendulaire

sega f circolare a lama oscillante

Schnittwinkel,m [Kreissäge, Hobelmaschine]

grinding angle

angle m de sciage

angolo m della sega circolare


circular saw bench

scie f circulaire

sega f circolare da banco

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